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Support Types


Donations are typically a one-time financial gift. These are most helpful in covering our large-ticket items like room & board throughout the Seminar weekend.

These can also be targeted. So if you'd like your donation to cover our storage unit or our website expenses, you can be intentional about how your donation is used.


These typically refer to physical items or services provided to help minimize expenses. For example, this could be water bottles, supplies from our Amazon wish list, etc. 

Amazon Smile

This program through Amazon allows you to set up a Charity through which your purchases at Amazon will support. When you make a purchase, sometimes part of that transaction will be disbursed to HOBY West Virginia in the form of a donation. 

Additionally, for any donation above $25, if you'd like a receipt or require an invoice, please reach out via the information on our contact page and we'll be happy to send one over.

Ways to Donate


All donations via check should be sent to:

HOBY West Virginia

117 State Route 34

PMB 7012

Hurricane, WV 25526

Either in the memo line or on a separate piece of paper, please indicate if there are specific wishes for your donation as well as contact information so we can follow up as needed.


You can use the Venmo QR code below to send donations as well! 


HOBY West Virginia uses Square for on-site payments for merchandise and donations. If you want to make a donation at Seminar, reach out to any of the volunteers and they can point you in the right direction.

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